вторник, 12 апреля 2011 г.

DeeperWeb - Boost and Customize Google Search

About the app by developer:

Following is a short explanation about how to use our Tag Cloud (a.k.a Word Cloud) to improve your search results:

TAGS TAB: In many cases we can significantly improve search results by adding (or excluding) a keyword from the original query. Our Tag Cloud will reveal these keywords so that you can improve your query by adding any of these terms with one click.

PHRASES TAB: Our Tag Cloud will find the meaningful phrases hidden beneath the pile of web search results so that you can rephrase and focus your search.

SITES TAB: Click on one of the site in the Tag Cloud and you’ll get all relevant results from the selected source only.

There are several clever business and internet marketing and SEO applications for using the “sites” tab: identifying main competitors, pinpointing targeted sites for most effective advertisement and isolating the authoritative websites of a particular topic.

ZONES TAB: Zones is very helpful to narrow down and focus on specific domains such as .org .edu or country specific suffixes.


DeeperWeb’s Topic-Mapping multiple search engine technologies reduce the clutter and help users identify search results upon topic and type (e.g. latest news, current articles, answers, blogs, Wikipedia and more…).

A few of the Zoomies (Mini Search Engines) available are:

ANSWERS SEARCH: Selected high quality resources of “questions and answers”, support discussions and social forums providing you with search results to a whole realm of questions and answers.

BLOG SEARCH: If you’d like to know what current articles in the blogosphere are relevant to your query, take a look at this blog search engine.

METRICS SEARCH: If your query should return facts, statistics, percentages or market share data, tables, graphs or numbers then our Metrics Search Zoomie will get them all.

WIKIPEDIA SEARCH ENGINE: Can’t do without Wikipedia search engine…

RESOURCES SEARCH: Are you looking to find current articles, business articles, recent white papers, a research study or just a good magazine article? Our Resources Search is the place to dig deeper!

NEWS SEARCH: When you need to find news articles, just type in your query on Google and you’ll find latest news here (relevant to your query).

MORE ZOOMIES (search engines) will be added to our Firefox Addon toolbar and
search plugin in the upcoming versions…

DeeperWeb is very intuitive and an easy to use Google sidebar. If you presently use related a add-on or search plugin, such as any one of the following great search tools addons list: CustomizeGoogle, Webmynd, Surf Canyon, Zotero, ScrapBook, Cloudlet, Google Scholar Googeefree, GoodSearch, A9, Web Search Pro, FoxTab, Groowe, OneRiot, BetterSearch, Google Redesigned, GooglePreview, Googlepedia, GoogleEnhancer, OptimizeGoogle, StumbleUpon, Gmarks or Yahoo Answers, MSN Live Search and AOL Search, we are sure you'll find DeeperWeb an additional great add-on for your information expediency.
New iphone mobile search. No download required, just reach our home page (deeperweb.com) through your iPhone

website: http://www.deeperweb.com/

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